This target is intended to be used alone as a diagnostic target or in conjunction with the PCA LLC Skill Development Target - 1 & 2. Together they provide a practical target system designed to stack focused skill development to maximize training time and effectiveness.
PCA LLC Skill Development Target - 3
SKU: T0003
Used to diagnose alignment, grip, and trigger control issues at 3 or 5 yards.
- Fire a 5rd group at each vertical line segment (diagnose results between strings of fire).
- Use lateral misses to diagnose grip and alignment issues.
- Use vertical stringing to diagnose sight picture and alignment issues.
- Use the horizontal lines to practic iron sight alignment.
- Use the horizontal lines as an aiming point to practice RDS mechanical offset.
- Use the corner circles to practice floating the sight picture for accurate fire at a small target (cone of accuracy development).
- When posted at the same time as Skill Targets 1 & 2 it should be posted at the bottom vertical position or left/right of Skill Target 1.